Angry Caller

Angry Callers

Angry Callers In the answering service industry there are going to be angry callers. In reality they are primarily stressed people looking for a solution to a problem. They are looking to be heard and assured that a qualified individual will assist them. How our agents respond makes a difference in providing an excellent customer…

Phone Customer Service

Phone Customer Service

Phone Customer Service Customer service, reviews and referrals have always been integral to companies. Great customer service leads to great reviews and happy customers refer their friends and family.  But what happens when there is a bad customer service experience? It can ruin your brand and affect your revenue stream. We make our agents aware…

Welcome New Employees

Welcome Alexis & Elena

Welcome New Employees Alexis & Elena! In the past three months Kelley’s has welcomed two new bilingual agents to our answering service division. Kelley’s trains its staff on professionalism and courtesy to client’s, callers and fellow staff members. Each of our new employees takes HIPAA training when first hired, along with a month long training…



Millennials Kelley’s has many generations of employees. We have some Boomers, some Generation X and our new hires are predominantly Millennials. To say the least how each demographic interacts with each other, management and clients are unique. Our team recently reviewed the article from The Balance on “Tips to Manage Millennials” and found it very…