Offering Dish Residential or Commercial Satellite Activations!
Kelley’s Telelcommunications is located in Kennewick and provides residential, commercial or custom satellite installation for the greater Tri-Cities area. Kelley’s is an authorized retailer for residential and business Dish TV. Kelley’s has a variety of Dish, cable TV packages for Washington.

Dish Authorized Retailer:
Dish Residential customers are able to watch all of their recorded or live TV programs anywhere they go! Multiple packages are available. Call for details on the current specials or promotions available to new residential Dish customer’s.
Dish Business customers get the same great packages as residential customers including America’s Top, Dish Latino, International, and Add-On packs. Dish Business customers may receive the same offers as our residential customers, including credit for the first 12 months and Free HD for life. Call us for more about Kelley’s Cable or Satellite TV.
Serve up Great Entertainment and Increase Sales!
Are you looking to add satellite services to your bar or restaurant? Dish Business offers custom packages that make sense for Restaurant/Bar and Nightclub customers.
Give Customers the Entertainment they have been waiting for!
Do you need satellite service for your waiting room or lobby? Dish Business offers special packages for Office/Retail customers.
Refer a Friend:
Refer a Friend is DISH’s exciting customer referral program. Refer a Friend provides existing residential and commercial customers the opportunity to refer friends, family, or neighborhood businesses to Kelley’s Satellite for DISH and receive benefits in return.
Save up to $1000 with the Referral Program
All offers require a 24-month commitment and business verification. Additional business fees may apply. Call for details.